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Donate mobile data to the Foreign Workers in Singapore! They do not have access to Mobile Data unless they pay for it so many are not able to reach out to their families back home and stay entertained during their quarantine. 


Get involved! Donate data now!


Read below if you are interested in helping these Foreign Workers!


As of 06/04/2020, it was reported by the BBC that Singapore had quarantined over 20,000 migrant workers. This number has been increasing as the days progressed. Thousands of workers' movements have been subject to restriction and for the past week, there has been an average of 97% of the new COVID-19 cases being found in foreign workers. Many dormitories have been closed off and hundreds of foreign workers live inside. The situation is bleak and seems hopeless but there is a light at the end of the tunnel.


We are all required to practice social distancing but most people are happy with it (to an extent). We are surrounded by our loved ones with steady access to WiFi and the internet. We call our extended families on WhatsApp and keep up to date with news from international sources. The foreign workers cannot undertake any of the aforementioned activities – many do not have access to WiFi nor a disposable income to pay for Mobile Data so they are unable to call their families, keep in touch with relatives and access the news.


This is why Donate Data has been created. We have compiled these workers' data and have the ability to top-up their mobile data plans. With your help, we can donate money to their data plans so that they too can call their families and stay connected. All it takes is $10SGD to make a worker smile and help them reach their loved ones.

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how it works

register interest

On the Google Form below, you can signup to become a donor. Upon submission, we will send you a randomly assigned profile of a Foreign Worker to whom you can Donate Data to!

receive information

Upon submission of your form to become a donor, we will send you  an assigned Foreign Worker via WhatsApp! You'll get to know basic details and their phone number.

donate data

Click the links in the WhatsApp message sent from us to you and input the worker's phone number on the Data Service Provider's website. Select the amount of money you would like to donate and Donate Data!

send receipts

Upon donation, please reply to our WhatsApp with evidence of your donation so that our algorithm can move the Foreign Worker to the back of the 'queue'. We are trying to make sure that every worker has equal opportunity to receiving data!

donate your data!



On the document linked, you'll find all the Foreign Workers who have registered with us. You'll get to read some basic information about them! Please note that you do not get to choose the worker to whom you Donate Data to.




Ready to begin your donation? Scroll down to sign up as a Data Donor!


Register as a donor here!

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