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Captain Tom Moore: 99 Year-Old Veteran Turned Covid-19 Hero

Captain Tom Moore, the now well-known 99-year-old British war veteran who has raised greater than £19 million ($23.7 million) for the UK's National Health Service (NHS) through walking one hundred laps of his garden, has stated he is "absolutely overwhelmed" by the sum he has been capable to raise. Moore, who will turn a hundred later this month, started a JustGiving fundraiser on April 8, firstly hoping to elevate £1,000 for NHS Charities Together, which raises dollars for UK hospitals, which includes for staff, volunteers and patients affected by using the coronavirus crisis.

He completed the project on Thursday, after taking walks 10 laps of his backyard every day, aided with the aid of a strolling frame. He wanted to complete the laps before his birthday which will be on April 30th.

He told the CNN that he, in no way, predicted being capable to increase such a sum.

There have been petitions for this hero to be knighted as Tom Moore has raised such a large sum of money so valiantly. Prince Harry has already spoken out and congratulated Moore for his great efforts.

“Congratulations to Tom. What he’s done is utterly amazing. It’s not just what he’s done but it’s the reaction that people have had as well. Just wonderfully British,” Harry told the Declassified podcast for ex-servicemen and women.

Moore’s original target was to raise 1,000 pounds, but that modest aim was blown away as media attention from around the globe zoomed in on his garden in Bedfordshire, central England.

A spokeswoman for Number 10 Downing Street said in a statement that Prime Minister Boris Johnson will look at ways to recognise Moore's efforts.

"Tom has captured the heart of the nation with his heroic efforts and raised an incredible amount of money for hard working NHS staff," the spokeswoman said in the statement.

"He has embodied the spirit of the whole country in doing their bit for the battle against coronavirus to support the NHS and save lives. From his military contributions to his support for NHS staff, Tom has demonstrated a lifetime of bravery and compassion.

His fame has even gone to the extent of a song being produced about him! Read more about this song here (!

Bravo Tom! Or should I say (hopefully) thank you Knight Tom Moore?

Captain Tom Moore finishing his final lap and, thus, completing his whole challenge!

Read more about this valiant hero here:

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